Property Photography

Ready resizes for, Airbnb and other portals

Property Photography
Apartment From €225.00+vat
Houses require the size
Talk to us about probs to bring with us.

Domain, SSL, Hosting

Cost Per Year

Yearly Cost.
We pay for you to the host every year – Each year you get an invoice.
Domain Name €12+vat, Secure Site €32+vat SSL, Basic Web Hosting €60+vat.

Accommodation Website

Web Design & Web Development

One Stop Solution, Photography and Web Design
Arrivals Form, Deposit Form, Payment Forms
About Us, Gallery, Tour, Blog, What’s Nearby.
Require Quote How Many Apartments

Booking System

Full Panel Site & Training

Your own Booking System
With Payment, Pay Pal and Stripe
One time Cost Licence €59.00+vat
Syncs – To Booking Portals

Booking Forms

Custome made forms

Custom-made forms with booking enquires.
To speed up your work.
Included in the website cost.
Here are some example forms.

Google Listing

Google My Business

If your property is not listed on Google Maps and Google Search
Will create a listing for your.
Part of website cost

Payment Gateway

Stripe & Pay Pay

We will help you find the best solution for your client to make a deposit or a full payment.

Floor Plans

B&W, Colour 2D

Floorplans are an essential part of any marketing campaign.
This is an extra service if required.
We measure and draw on the job

3D Virtual Tours

Google Maps Product

3D virtual tours Published on Google Maps & Website
Extra Services if required.

Superior Property Photography & Marketing

Picture Perfect Malta specialises in offering:
Property photography, retouching, and architectural services
That enable property owners, and developers to achieve their full potential.

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